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Community Resources

Glendale Learn's goal is to connect you to resources within our community. Check back for continual updates to our resources.

Glendale Community Center- Loaves & Fishes

Free assistance with rent or utilities, employment services, legal or immigration services, Registration at a food pantry, childcare or referral to any mainstream resources, health or mental health care.  See PDF for more information.

Glendale Community Center- Homeless Prevention Program

If you are at risk of losing your housing, you may be eligible for temporary rental or utility  assistance if you meet the requirements listed on the flyer. See PDF flyer for more information.

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May 1st - May 22nd, 2017
Students are referred and apply for either or both courses: “Workplace Readiness” and “Success in College for Adults with Mild to Moderate Disabilities." Students will be contacted regarding an in-person interview.

May 23rd - 31st, 2017
In-person interviews of all students with completed applications will be scheduled during this time. During the interview, students will be required to take a brief reading, writing and comprehension assessment.


Below is a list of forms that may be needed to register. Click on the document name to download.

1.  Glendale Community College DSPS Application

2. Glendale Community College Garfield Non-Credit Application

3. 17 Year Old Waiver Form

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